Friday, January 6, 2012

Who am I?

I thought I should start with a description of myself and what I hope to cover in my blog.

First off why Rancher Nikki? Well, in early 2011  my husband and I were working at jobs that were no longer satisfying, living in California when we wanted to be in the country and were generally not as happy as would should be.  We were given the opportunity to work on a ranch for the summer and jumped at the chance.  In December of 2011 we moved to Wyolorado (Colorado and Wyoming, we are right on the border) and are living on a ranch full time.  I admit, this is kinda crazy.  Who decides to become a rancher when they are already in their 30s? 

In addition to ranching I have a number of interests.  I love the internet, gaming, reality tv and crafts.  My current crafts including Lampworking (melting glass with a torch to make beads and pendants) and quilting.  I hope to include a little of everything in my blog.  I actually am intimidated at the idea of writing so hopefully I can overcome that fear.

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