Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Botched S1E1 Human Dolls Recap Review

Above is my video vlog where I rave about how much I love the show.  Below is the written blog for those who are trying to do this at work ;)

I almost didn't record the show.  I was not a fan of Paul Nassif from his time on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills but I first saw him on Dr 90210.  But I am glad I did because I love the show.  It is like Dr 90210's cooler, younger brother.  It has lots of information on plastic surgery and surgery footage but I enjoy the premise even more than Dr 90210 because they focus on fixing botched surgeries which I think is even more interesting.  Paul is still a bit annoying (I will get to why later) but he is way more enjoyable than the Paul we saw on RHOBH.  I have always liked Terry and I think he is even more likable here.

The show is set up  in a very straight forward manner.  We meet the patients, hear about what has happened in the past and their current issues, they meet the surgeons for evaluation, have a surgery and then we have a big reveal.  During the episode the 3 storylines are alternated between but for the sake of the recap I will focus on one at a time.

The three patients we meet are Justin for some crazy silicon implant he designed, Alicia for a uniboob and Michelle for a nose rebuild.  I will start with Justin.  Good chance you have seen him before on the internet or My strange Addiction.  He is not going for a natural look but has had 132 surgeries to look like a Human Doll. He has designed his own silicon implants for abs, quad, calves and lats.  He hoping to convince the Doctors to insert them but Terry gently rejects the idea saying that they are not the Drs to do this surgery and they are focusing on fixing Botched Surgeries.  I am not sure they could even ethically justify doing this surgery.  Bye Justin, it was fun meeting you but no surgery for you.

But Terry does do a surgery which is for Alicia's Uniboob.  Her Huge breast implants have pulled the skin permanently off her sternum meaning that her two breast touch.  She is in constant pain and the family is in emotional turmoil.  Her husband seems really sweet and thought she was fine without the initial surgery.  The day of the surgery Terry comes in and says that after reviewing the previous Drs notes he has to change the plan.  Instead of one surgery he will need to do two.  The first one he will remove the implant, fix where the skin pulls off the sternum then he will need her body to heal.  During the second surgery he can reinsert the implants.  She is not please but he firmly and gently holds his ground and says that this is really the only option.  She agrees.  Terry has an excellent bed side manner.

 In surgery we see him remove the Huge 600 cc implants and repair the damage.  Afterwards she wants to go to 500 cc and he tries to convince her that 350cc is fine.  Once again he is firm without being aggressive.  She decides on 400 cc and he outlines the risks but they go with it in the second surgery. Afterwards we see the big reveal.  Her breast are huge (which she wanted) but very lovely.

Last surgery is Paul's and we get an idea of how he differs from Terry.  Michelle had a car accident when she was younger and broke her nose.  She had a surgery to fix her nose and it, for lack of a better word, collapsed.  The nostrils were almost closed and the nose was small overall.  All together she has had 7 surgeries.  During surgery Paul removes some of her rib to get cartilage for the nose.  He also uses cartilage from the ear to rebuild the nostrils.  When she comes back for her check up she is high as a kite and worries about the nostrils but Paul rather aggressively verbally puts her in her place.  He didn't yell or anything but his tone was rather harsh. He definitely does not like his work being questioned.  We see the big review at the end and she looks great!

Loving the show!

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