Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ladies of London S1E4 Mad as a Hatter Recap Review

Above is my awesome video recap, below is a short written recap

We are discussing the fight between Juliet and Annabelle at the Fourth of July party.  Juliet is saying in a Talking Head interview that she is not sorry for what she said but that she is sorry how it escalated.

Caroline and Annabelle talk about it as well.  Oh how gauche that Juliet was yelling in the street and Caroline is upset that Caprice got in the middle of it.  BTW Annabelle has that fashion show coming up.  Noelle and Marissa will be there but Caroline and Caprice are busy. Juliet is not inviting. No shock there.

Caprice mentions that she is going to LA for 3 months.  She will pick up her son from the surrogacy, then give birth to the son she carried, recover then return to England.  But in the here and now, she can't get a hold of Annabelle.

Juliet talks with her husband who supports her but also points out that she  might have gone over the top in her reaction.  My husband has had the exact same conversation with me many times.  Caroline calls at the same time and is a bit more brisk.  She asks WHY  Juliet would be yelling in the street and tells her to apologize to Annabelle.

Juliet throws a hat party.  It seems that everyone thinks they are too good for hats except for Marissa and Juliet.  Why so much hat hate? I look great in a hat and have no excuse to wear one.  Next time they should just invite me.  I would be a fabulous houseguest and would even show up with flowers like Marissa did.  Caprice brings her American friend named Julie who grew up in Chicago like Juliet.  Juliet and Julie discuss their mutual love of Target.  Me too!! See, I totally fit in with these ladies.   Caprice mentions again that she is upset that Caroline wasn't more upset that Juliet and Annabelle fought. Oh and Noelle wants to be more like Caprice.  Caprice is rich, famous and lovely, ya I want to be like Caprice too.

Noelle and Scot are discussing their new place.  We hear more about how broke he is and his ongoing court battle of 4 years.  How can he afford to keep a lawyer?  Where did the money go?  Who will pay for their new place? Something is sooooo shady. 

Annabelle is helping to run Conchita's Fashion show in a tunnel.  The tunnel is leaking and dripping but the show is amazing.  The jackets are fierce and I will take one of each, please.  Why don't I get to go to Fashion shows? 

Caprice and Caroline are meeting up at a baby store.  Caprice wants to know why Caroline didn't defend Annabelle.  Caroline wants to know why Caprice thinks it is any of her business.  Apparently Caroline offered to host a baby shower at her gorgeous house 45 minutes outside of London.  Caprice says in an interview that she now sees what kind of friend Caroline is and tells Caroline that she would prefer to have the party at a restaurant in the city.  Everyones heckles are raised.  I am sure we will hear more about this in the future.

Noelle and Scot are talking about moving.  All week in commercials we see Scot saying "That's it Noelle we are done"  in the actually episode we see him say "That's it Noelle we are done talking about this, we move in Monday"  Big round of applause for the editors that made this interchange look way more interesting than it really was.

Everyone except Annabelle (including friend-to-the-ladies Julie) meet at Marissa's to take a limo to the Sandown Races.  Caprice and Juliet fight on the way to the race which was super comfortable to everyone else in the limo.  Btw, this is the first limo I have seen since the 90s that wasn't a converted SUV.  Juliet and Caprice hug once they get to the race and agree to move on (ha!)

The race is uneventful until Julie shares that she is in line to be the Countess of Sandwich and would everyone like to go to her family estate in the country?  ME ME ME, I would.

Next week, the ladies go to the country for Trap shooting, venison and offending their hosts.

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